Department of Mathematics and Informatics, "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University, Iaşi
Faculty of Mathematics, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iaşi
Institute of Mathematics, Romanian Academy, Iaşi
cordially invites you to the
6th Edition
October 31 - November 3, 2019
New!!! Scientific programme and abstracts
The extended scientific programme of the conference is available here.
Update!!! Programme
The timetable of the conference is available here.
New!!! Location
The opening ceremony takes place in the Ceremony Hall of the "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi.

The plenary sessions will be held in Amphitheater P2 of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Carol I Blvd., no. 11.
The parallel sessions will be held in Amphitheaters P2 and P5 (October 31), and in Amphitheaters P2 and P4 (November 1-3) of the same building.
Conference sections:
I. Pure Mathematics: Geometry, Mathematical Analysis, Functional Analysis, Algebra
II. Applied Mathematics: Differential Equations, Mathematical Biology, Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Optimization, Operations Research, Computer Science, Mechanics, Numerical Analysis.
Important dates:
October 20, 2019 - Registration and submission of abstracts deadline (will be done online on the web page of the conference).
Important!!! We have a disponibility of 34 places in double rooms (buildings T20 and T8, "Tudor Vladimirescu" complex), free of charge. The interested participants should express their desire to get such a place by sending an email to the organizers.
Conference fees:
The registration fee is 250 RON or 50 EURO or 60 USD ( + 50 EURO or 60 USD for the excursion at Hermeziu Winery - wine tasting and party)
Publication of the papers:
A selection of the papers from ICAPM 2019 will be considered (after a review process) for some special issues of the following journals:
Analele Ştiintifice ale Universității "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iaşi
Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi. Secția I. Matematică, Mecanică Teoretică, Fizică