- 57.
P. Georgescu and H. Zhang, Facultative mutualisms and θ-logistic growth: how larger
exponents promote global stability of co-existence equilibria, Mathematics 11 (2023), Article ID 4373. (pdf)
- 56.
H. Zhang and P. Georgescu, Sustainable organic farming, food safety and pest
management: an evolutionary game analysis, Mathematics 10 (2022), Article ID 2269. (pdf)
- 55.
M. Lv, H. Zhang, P. Georgescu, T. Li and B. Zhang, Improving education for innovation and entrepreneurship in
Chinese technical universities: a quest for building a sustainable framework, Sustainability 14 (2022), Article ID 595. (pdf)
- 54.
H. Zhang, W. O. Apeanti, S. W. Akuamoah, D. Yaro and P. Georgescu, A mathematical view towards improving undergraduate
student performance and mitigating dropout risks, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control 26 (2021), 842--860. (pdf)
- 53.
H. Zhang, S. W. Akuamoah, W. O. Apeanti, P. Harvim, D. Yaro and P. Georgescu, The stability analysis of a Double-X queuing network
occurring in the banking sector, Mathematics 9 (2021), Article ID 1957. (pdf)
- 52.
H. Zhang, W. O. Apeanti, P. Georgescu, P. Harvim, D. Lu, T. Li and B. Zhang, Sustainable teacher training via distance education:
the effect of study centers, gender and economic demographics on academic performance, Sustainability 13 (2021), Article ID 7965. (pdf)
- 51.
C. Wenkai, H. Zhang, P. Georgescu, T. Li and B. Zhang, Taming obstinate spreaders: the dynamics of a rumor spreading model incorporating inhibiting mechanisms and attitude adjustment, Computational and Applied Mathematics 40 (2021), Article ID 125. (pdf)
- 50.
P. Harvim, H. Zhang, P. Georgescu and L. Zhang, Cigarette smoking on college campuses: an epidemical modelling approach, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 65 (2021), 515--540. (pdf)
- 49.
M. Li, H. Zhang, P. Georgescu and T. Li, The stochastic evolution of a rumor spreading model with two
distinct spread inhibiting and attitude adjusting mechanisms in a homogeneous social network, Physica A 562 (2021), 125321. (pdf)
- 48.
H. Zhang, W. O. Apeanti, L. Ma,
D. Lu, X. Zheng and P. Georgescu, Impact of social influence in English proficiency and
performance in English examinations of mathematics students from a Sino-US undergraduate education program, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control 25 (2020), 938--957. (pdf)
- 47.
H. Zhang, S. W. Akuamoah and P. Georgescu, A flow model of corporate activities with quality assurance, Physica A 549 (2020), 122447. (pdf)
- 46.
Z. Yiyang, H. Zhang and P. Georgescu, The evolution of a SEIRS-SI malaria
model: deterministic and stochastic perspectives, ROMAI Journal 15 (2019), 155--176. (pdf)
- 45.
P. Harvim, H. Zhang, P. Georgescu and L. Zhang, Transmission dynamics and control mechanisms of vector-borne diseases with active and passive
movements between urban and satellite cities, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 81 (2019), 4518--4563. (pdf)
- 44.
C. Sun, Y. H. Hsieh and P. Georgescu, A model for HIV transmission with two interacting high-risk
groups, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 40 (2018), 170--184. (pdf)
- 43.
H. Zhang, J. Xia and P. Georgescu, Multigroup deterministic and stochastic SEIRI epidemic
models with nonlinear incidence rates and distributed
delays: A stability analysis, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 40 (2017), 6254--6275. (pdf)
- 42.
P. Georgescu, D. Maxin and H. Zhang, Threshold boundedness conditions for
n-species mutualisms, Nonlinearity 30 (2017), 4410--4427. (pdf)
- 41.
H. Zhang, P. Harvim and P. Georgescu, Preventing the spread of schistosomiasis
in Ghana: possible outcomes of integrated optimal control strategies, Journal of Biological Systems 25 (2017), 625--655. (pdf)
- 40.
D. Maxin, P. Georgescu, L. Sega and L. Berec, Global stability of the coexistence equilibrium for a general
class of models of facultative mutualism, Journal of Biological Dynamics 11 (2017), 339--364. (pdf)
- 39.
P. Georgescu, D. Maxin and H. Zhang, Global stability results for models of commensalism, International Journal of Biomathematics 10 (2017), 1750037 (25 pages). (pdf)
- 38.
H. Zhang, F. Tian, P. Harvim and P. Georgescu, Effects of size refuge specificity on a predator-prey model, BioSystems 152 (2017), 11--23. (pdf)
- 37.
H. Zhang, J. Xia and P. Georgescu, Stability analyses of deterministic and stochastic SEIRI
epidemic models with nonlinear incidence rates and
distributed delay, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control 22 (2017), 64--83. (pdf)
- 36.
H. Zhang, P. Georgescu and A.S. Hassan, Mathematical insights and integrated strategies for the control of Aedes aegypti mosquito, Applied Mathematics and Computation 273 (2016), 1059--1089. (pdf)
- 35.
P. Georgescu, H. Zhang and D. Maxin, The global stability of coexisting equilibria for
three models of mutualism, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 13 (2016), 101--118. (pdf)
- 34.
H. Zhang, P. Georgescu and Z. Lai, Periodic patterns and Pareto efficiency of state dependent
impulsive controls regulating interactions between wild and
transgenic mosquito populations, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 31 (2016), 83--107. (pdf)
- 33.
H. Zhang, M. Su and P. Georgescu, The global dynamics and optimal control of a plant epidemic
model, Communications in Mathematical Biology and Neuroscience vol. 2015 (2015), Article ID 32, 1--18. (pdf)
- 32.
H. Zhang and P. Georgescu, The influence of the multiplicity of infection upon the dynamics of a crop-pest-pathogen model with defence mechanisms, Applied Mathematical Modelling 39 (2015), 2416--2435. (pdf)
- 31.
H. Zhang and P. Georgescu, Biologically motivated stability results for a general
class of impulsive functional differential equations, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 3 (2015), 1--24. (pdf)
- 30.
H. Zhang and P. Georgescu, Finite-time control of impulsive hybrid
dynamical systems in pest management, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 37 (2014), 2728--2738. (pdf)
- 29.
P. Georgescu and H. Zhang, Lyapunov functionals for two-species mutualisms, Applied Mathematics and Computation 226 (2014), 754--764. (pdf)
- 28.
P. Georgescu and H. Zhang, A Lyapunov functional for a SIRI model with nonlinear incidence
of infection and relapse, Applied Mathematics and Computation 219 (2013), 8496--8507. (pdf)
- 27.
P. Georgescu and H. Zhang, An impulsively controlled pest management model with n predator species and a
common prey, Biosystems 110 (2012), 162--170. (pdf)
- 26.
R. M. Diaconescu, A.-M. Grigoriu, C. Luca and P. Georgescu, Study on the response surface modelling by central composite design and optimization of paper nanocoating,
Revista de Chimie 62 (2011), 522--530. (pdf)
- 25.
P. Georgescu, G. Dimitriu and R. Sinclair, Impulsive control of an integrated pest management model with dispersal between patches,
Journal of Biological Systems 18 (2010), 535--569. (pdf)
- 24.
H. Zhang and P. Georgescu, The dynamics of a stage-structured pest management model,
Mathematical Sciences Research Journal 14 (2010), 53--69. (pdf)
- 23.
P. Georgescu, Y. H. Hsieh and H. Zhang, A Lyapunov functional for a stage-structured predator-prey model with nonlinear predation rate,
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 11 (2010), 3653--3665. (pdf)
- 22.
H. Zhang and P. Georgescu, The global properties of an age-dependent SI model involving pathogenic virus release and defence mechanisms for pests,
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 52 (2010), 37--54. (pdf)
- 21.
P. Georgescu and H. Zhang, An impulsively controlled predator-pest model with disease in the pest, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 11 (2010), 270--287. (pdf)
- 20.
H. Zhang, P. Georgescu, J. J. Nieto and L. Chen, Impulsive perturbation and bifurcation of solutions for a model of chemostat with variable yield, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition) 30 (2009), 933--944. (pdf)
- 19.
P. Georgescu and H. Zhang, The onset of positive periodic
solutions for a biochemical pest management model, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 30 (2009), 271--292. (pdf)
- 18.
H. Zhang, P. Georgescu and L. Chen, On the impulsive controllability and bifurcation of a predator-pest model of IPM, Biosystems 93 (2008), 151--171. (pdf)
- 17.
P. Georgescu, H. Zhang and L. Chen, Bifurcation of nontrivial periodic solutions for an impulsively controlled pest management model, Applied Mathematics and Computation 202 (2008), 675--687. (pdf)
- 16.
P. Georgescu and G. Moroşanu, Impulsive perturbations of a three-trophic prey-dependent food chain system, Mathematical and Computer Modelling 48 (2008), 975--997. (pdf)
- 15.
H. Zhang, P. Georgescu and L. Chen,
An impulsive predator-prey system with Beddington-deAngelis
functional response and time delay, International Journal of Biomathematics 1 (2008), 1--17. (pdf)
- 14.
P. Georgescu and G. Moroşanu,
Flow invariance for semilinear evolution equations under generalized dissipativity conditions, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications 68 (2008), 443--455. (pdf)
- 13.
P. Georgescu and N. Shioji,
Generation and characterization of locally Lipschitzian semigroups associated with semilinear evolution equations involving "generalized" dissipative operators, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems (Series: A) 14 (2007), 707--730. (pdf)
- 12.
H. Zhang, L. Chen and P. Georgescu,
Impulsive control strategies for pest management, Journal of Biological Systems, 15 (2007), 235--260. (pdf)
- 11.
P. Georgescu and Y. H. Hsieh,
Global dynamics for a predator-prey model with stage structure for predator, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 67 (2007), 1379--1395. (pdf)
- 10.
P. Georgescu and G. Moroşanu,
Pest regulation by means of impulsive controls, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 190 (2007), 790--803. (pdf)
- 9.
P. Georgescu and Y. H. Hsieh,
Global stability for a virus dynamics model with nonlinear incidence of infection and removal, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 67 (2006), 337--353. (pdf)
- 8.
P. Georgescu and G. Moroşanu,
Global stability for a stage-structured predator-prey model, Mathematical Sciences Research Journal 10 (2006), 214--228. (pdf)
- 7.
P. Georgescu,
Global existence for mild solutions to semilinear evolution equations under "generalized" dissipativity conditions, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications 10 (2005), 231--250. (pdf)
- 6.
P. Georgescu,
Convergence theorems for nonlinear semigroups associated to semilinear evolution equations under equicontinuity properties, Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iaşi Tome L(LIV) (2004), Issue 1-2, Section Mathematics, Theoretical Mechanics, Physics, 9--25. (pdf)
P. Georgescu and N. Shioji,
A note on the sharpness of nonoptimal comparison rates for (C0)-semigroups, Yokohama Mathematical Journal 51 (2004), 37--43. (pdf)
4. P. Georgescu, S. Oharu and T. Takahashi,
An extended class of nonlinear groups and its applications to the generalized Kortweg-deVries equations, Nihonkai Mathematical Journal 12 (2001), 11--45. (pdf)
3. P. Georgescu, S. Oharu, T. Matsumoto and T. Takahashi,
Approximation and convergence theorems for nonlinear semigroups associated with semilinear evolution equations, Advances in Mathematical Analysis and Applications 11 (2001), 347--376. (pdf)
2. P. Georgescu and S. Oharu,
Generation and characterization of locally Lipschitzian semigroups associated with semilinear evolution equations, Hiroshima Mathematical Journal 31 (2001), 133--169. (pdf)
1. G. Moroşanu, P. Georgescu and V. Grădinaru,
The Fourier Method for abstract differential equations and applications, Communications in Applied Analysis 3 (1999), 173--188. (pdf)
Conference papers
- 9.
H. Zhang and P. Georgescu, Periodic oscillations and bifurcation analysis for a Cohen-Grossberg neural network model with impulsive perturbations, International Conference on
Applied and Pure Mathematics (ICAPM 2013), Iaşi, Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iaşi Tome LX (LXIV) (2014), Issue 3,
Section Mathematics, Theoretical Mechanics, Physics, 75--96. (pdf)
- 8.
P. Georgescu and H. Zhang, Permanence, periodicity and stability for an
impulsively perturbed single species model, International Conference on
Applied and Pure Mathematics (ICAPM 2013), Iaşi, Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iaşi Tome LX (LXIV) (2014), Issue 2,
Section Mathematics, Theoretical Mechanics, Physics, 97--109. (pdf)
- 7.
P. Georgescu and G. Hîncu, Finding the traces of a given plane: analytically and through graphical constructions, ICEGD 2011 - Sustainable Eco Design, Iaşi, Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iaşi Tome LVII (LXI) (2011), Issue 3, Section Machine Construction, 219--224. (pdf)
- 6.
P. Georgescu, Analytical and graphical solutions to problems in descriptive geometry involving planes and lines, ICEGD 2011 - Sustainable Eco Design, Iaşi, Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iaşi Tome LVII (LXI) (2011), Issue 3, Section Machine Construction, 229--236. (pdf)
- 5.
P. Georgescu, The dynamics of an impulsively controlled two-prey one-predator food web model, The 18th Conference on
Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIM 2011), ROMAI Journal 7 (2011), 99--114. (pdf)
- 4.
P. Georgescu, On the impulsive control of a n-prey one-predator food web model, in N. Apreutesei-Dumitriu, P. Georgescu, R. Strugariu (Eds.), Proceedings of The International Conference on Applied and Pure Mathematics, Iaşi, Romania, Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iaşi
Tome LVII(LXI) (2011), Issue 1, Section Mathematics, Theoretical Mechanics, Physics, 111--123. (pdf)
- 3.
C. Calistru and P. Georgescu, Tuning of PID robust controllers based on ISE criterion minimization, in Proceedings of 7-th edition of International Conference on Electromechanic and Power Systems (SIELMEN 2009), October 8--9, 2009, Iaşi, Romania, I31--I35. (pdf)
- 2.
P. Georgescu and H. Zhang, The impulsive control of a two-patch integrated pest management model, in D. Breaz, N. Breaz, D. Wainberg (Eds.), Proceedings of 6-th edition of
International Conference on Theory and Applications of Mathematics and Informatics, Alba Iulia, Romania, Acta Universitatis Apulensis (Special Issue), Aeternitas Publishing House, 2009, 297--320. (pdf)
- 1.
P. Georgescu, Global properties for a virus propagation model with staged progression, in D. Breaz, N. Breaz, D. Wainberg (Eds.), Proceedings of 6-th edition of
International Conference on Theory and Applications of Mathematics and Informatics, Alba Iulia, Romania, Acta Universitatis Apulensis (Special Issue), Aeternitas Publishing House, 2009, 335--348. (pdf)

